Become an NFTX Pro!

NFTX Academy

Everything you’ve always wanted to know about the NFTX ecosystem. The NFTX Academy site is a resource that will help you make the most out of the product ecosystem.

With our walk through guides you can find where you want to fit in.

  • Liquidity Providers

    Liquidity Providers

    Learn how you can stake your NFTs and start to earn yield through vault fees. Make your NFTs work for you.

    Providing Liquidity in V3

  • Shoppers


    Find out how you can buy, sell, or swap any NFT from the NFTX platform at the current floor price.

    Learn more

  • NFT Projects

    NFT Projects

    NFT Projects can take advantage of earning additional yield on their NFTs and providing liquid market for their communites.

    Learn more


Getting started with NFTX V3